Jalal-ud-din Rumi - 13 Century Poet born Afghan Turkman Province
Words are not just words
The power inherent in the word is often forgotten yet in times of yore I suspect that this may have been otherwise.
For in the scriptures of that narrative the Bible, from who knows where or shall we say scribe/owner yet to be determined it said..
“In the beginning there was the word.” John 1.1
or exactly “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Being a lapsed catholic and somewhat of a heretical Gnostic these days I am somewhat impressed by Joseph Atwill ideas in Caesars Messiah where he states that there are two main parts to the Bible one the narrative or pulp fiction and second the history.
I tend to believe that the wisdom within the words if you believe there are truths within don’t necessarily have to be coming from Christians but they seeped into the book from various traditions, tribes and cultures over time.
image source Liz Hennessey
Words in the Hindu Vedic tradition are used in mantra and prayer as they are considered to contain Shak = power and the Indo European linguistic influence of this Bij word seed in Sanskrit or phoneme in linguistics is seen in the words…
sacred, sacral, sacrosanct, sacrifice, sacrilege, sacerdotal, etc……
In fact the most powerful thing maybe in our entire universe is the vibration of words or music or just chaotic noise / frequency.
As noted on this site the Pentagon have woken up to this fact a long time ago with the development by DARPA of NLCC weapons non lethal crowd control MW tech. see,,
Mission Mind control CIA Operation Monarch , Ted Hunter on surveillance ,
The other side or dark forces operation uses words also for mind control as seen in propaganda in periods of war in particular and now with the Plandemic voice of MSM fear and doom. This is the Matrix at work the connected universe of sound playing out in our heads via the connected apparatus of TV, radio, internet, “smart phone.”
Isn’t it ironic that the machine of PR use the word smart in order to nudge us toward this data mining and ultimately surveillance data to bone, voice to mega supercomputer setup where everything is tracked stored and processed.
But enough about that for now.
Lets stay with the power of Shak or as the Bhakti tradition of Hinduism calls her Shakti. She is the life force or electomagnetic frequency pulsing in our body, sort of, for….she cant really be described completely fully. She is the feminine form of Shiv or Shiva the eternal, the central fire smarshan ghat, the place of creative burning burning and creativity / destruction.
Words have a power to uplift as in a common positive personal comment, music and poetry and to the contrary to destroy as with a propaganda, curse, slander, mock, or enrage.
Here are excerpts from podcasts from Veronica Larsson Yoga teacher/author talking about her book launch on natural law and poet Siobhan de Paor / Poetry
Veronica talks about nature and Siobhan on connection to the land and native tongues.
Video interview Veronica Larsson
Poetry ; Siobhan De Paor
Rumi with Ashley Ramsden from an ABC Aust. podcast with Rachel Kohln
Words and transgression
If speech is censored you are not free.
“You know who is in control dominating ( of you ) if you can not talk about that, them it.” Nietzche
Professor Gaat Saad talking in USA.
John Lamb Lash on Social media and free speech ...click video
Great post. The right sounds and frequencies can definitely be healing!